
1. Revisit your New Year’s resolutions

Choose ONE and stick to it! If you can manage to do so, you will feel like you have achieved something and have a sense of accomplishment which is highly motivating.

2. Think of undesirable tasks as a means to an end

Spend some time each day planning your day – this may feel like a waste of time, however, when you are managing to stick to your plan and productivity is enhanced, it will motivate you to complete an undesirable task.

3. Think about all the ways in which your job benefits others

To increase self-motivation, you can list all of the positive outcomes of your job.

4. Set goals 

By setting goals you’ll know exactly what it is you want to achieve. Sub-goals enable you to have small wins along the way. When you have a direction to follow and a sense that you are on the right track, it can be very motivating to continue toward the goal.

5. Break tasks into smaller pieces

Do one piece at a time and celebrate each milestone. Putting together an entire forward planning presentation for the year may seem overwhelming but you can get there by doing a little at a time.

6. Tell someone what you intend to do

Research shows that we are more likely to actually act on our intentions if we tell someone about it. By building in accountability we can increase motivation to complete the task.

7. Manage your time

It is very motivating if you feel like you are in control of your work and not that it is controlling you – so practise time management techniques to prioritise and take control.

8. Don’t put off for tomorrow what you can do today

It is normal not to feel like doing tasks that are of lesser interest, even though we know they have to be done. Motivation is increased when those not so desirable tasks are out of the way. So don’t procrastinate.

9. Reward yourself

Make an agreement with yourself to give yourself a reward when you complete a task. For example, buy yourself a specialty coffee for completing smaller tasks, or send yourself to the spa for a massage when you finish a major one.

10. Create an accomplishment log

Use this to record all of the times when you were able to motivate yourself to complete a task or keep moving forward. The log can inspire you the next time you need some extra motivation.

For more information or assistance, contact us on 1800 818 728.