How to make a real change?

We live in a society where alcohol is a socially acceptable drug and form of relaxation but what happens when excess becomes a problem? Support is available via counselling or training through your EAP.

The reasons that people consume alcohol and drugs are varied however the misuse of these substances is common and can have harmful consequences for your mental health and wellbeing. All alcohol and drug use (including legally prescribed drugs) causes some change to brain chemistry, although the risks and effects of this are different for each person.

One way to identify whether your own alcohol and/or drug use is having a harmful effect on you is by the impact it’s having on your life. It can sometimes be difficult to notice the effects, especially if the changes have been gradual or you have found ways to adjust. However, make a note of how often you have experienced any of the following as a result of alcohol or drug use:

  • · Unable to attend work
  • · Missed important events or activities
  • · Feel uncomfortable around people
  • · Friends or family have expressed concerns
  • · Intentional self-harm
  • · You felt unsafe, or were harmed by someone
  • · Experiencing a lot of conflict, or strained relationships
  • · Financial stress due to the cost of substance use
  • · Unable to concentrate or remember things
  • · You harmed someone else or caused damage to property
  • · Physical injury or health issues
  • · Unable to function day-to-day e.g. sleeping or eating


  1. Take regular breaks from using alcohol or drugs
  2. Keep a limit on how much you consume at any one time
  3. Find a healthy solution to the stresses in your life
  4. Keep away from people or activities that encourage alcohol or drug misuse
  5. Ask friends or family for support with these changes

If you are concerned about the impact that drug and alcohol use is having on your life, our free and confidential counselling service may be able to assist you to identify strategies for making some positive changes.