
It's easy to put off looking after yourself. There seem to be so many other priorities that keep getting in the way. However, taking some time to notice and act on how you are coping with added demands, could help in all areas of your life. Self-care becomes particularly important when you work in a job that requires a lot of emotional energy. Often the day to day nature of this work can leave you feeling that you have few resources to take care of yourself and little time for the people who are important in your life. It can be common to feel tired and lethargic by the end of the day or week. Sometimes switching off from work can be difficult. Jobs that typically require a lot of emotional energy are also often very rewarding and involve making a positive difference to individuals or communities, and there are ways you can make this work sustainable for you.

Signs that you really need to take care of yourself better may include:

  •   Too little or too much empathy for others

  •   Resentment toward your job

  •   Adopting a negative view of people in general.

  •   Difficulty controlling your reactions to others.

  •   Reduced job satisfaction.

  •   Harmful behaviour to avoid or escape thinking about work. Could include drinking more alcohol than usual.

  •   Distancing yourself from people, withdrawing from social situations where you need to talk to people.

  •   Increase in complaints or conflict at work.

    There are things you can do to take care of yourself to ensure that you are able to keep up the meaningful work that you’re doing now and into the future.


  1. Recognise that this is a common reaction during times of stress or in emotionally demanding jobs, and learn from your peers about different ways of building resilience.

  2. Look for the good in people and situations.

  3. Allow time for healthy distractions away from work e.g. a “feel good” movie, listening to comedy, hobbies, sports, and social outings.

  4. Keep your body healthy through a good diet and exercise.

  5. Remember your personal values and qualities that motivated you to choose this job.

  6. Make note of the positive impact you have through your work.

  7. Focus on what you can control and on small achievements rather than things you cannot change.

  8. Ask for help and support as soon as you notice yourself struggling.

  9. Schedule regular opportunities to formally debrief, e.g. professional supervision.

  10. Look for ways to manage or minimise stress in other parts of your life.

If you would like to know more about these strategies and others, AccessEAP offers a free and confidential counselling service to all employees.