As a part of Feel Good February our internal Wellbeing Champions Team decided to do something for each other to actively recognise how much time we spend at work and with our colleagues. Using an adapted version of Donald Altman’s G.L.A.D. technique from The Mindfulness Toolbox, we asked everyone to participate and write a G.L.A.D message for their assigned colleague.

How does it work?

  • You will need a list of names for those that are participating. This can be an organisation wide initiative or just a team activity depending on the size of your organisation.
  • Allocate everyone a person; this can be random or just split into pairs.
  • Email everyone their designated person with instructions asking them to fill in the G.L.A.D. message. Whether they pick one letter or all of them.

Grateful- One thing you are grateful for

Learned- One thing the person has taught you

Appreciate-One thing that you appreciate about this person

Delight- One thing that delights you of this person

  • Once everyone has sent in their responses it is up to you how you would like to share them. You can email them or you can print out little cards

Remember that you can make this activity your own, so it works for you and your organisation! Decide if you’d like it to be anonymous or not and how you want to share these great messages. Below is a snippet of the cards.

GLAD 1.2

As Newport & Wildman is proudly part of AccessEAP, we participated in this initiative together. For more information see the AccessEAP blog, Creating a thriving workplace this Feel Good February – Sally Kirkright, CEO AccessEAP

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