By Monique Richardson on Thursday, 14 December 2017
Category: Blog

Profit for purpose funding Puberty Clues app

On behalf of the Curran Access Children's Foundation, we are pleased to announce that the Puberty Clues app is now complete and ready for download. The Foundation has funded this project since inception and its a great example of profit for purpose in action. 

AccessEAP distributes surplus profits directly to community programs and via the Curran Access Children's Foundation. Our purpose is to provide support for emotional, social and human related problems. Our commitment to providing generous and meaningful funding for often intensive and life-changing welfare programs is one of the reasons we strive to achieve absolute best practice in all we do.

The support we provide is two-fold. As advocates for mental health awareness and providers of workplace wellbeing programs, our services positively impact the lives of workers and workplace culture. The profits from this rewarding work are then distributed to help those most in need. In an indirect way, our customers can positively share in the knowledge that they are also helping to make a real difference to people’s lives. 

Puberty Clues is a safe, fun way for 10-12 year olds to learn puberty changes through interactive exercises illustrating the physical and emotional changes they experience and the impact it has on their personal development. There is general information and specific resources for boys and for girls, guiding them through the journey to become healthy, responsible adults. The app includes illustrations, educational resources and common questions. The resource is developed as an addition to classroom teaching for students, parents and teachers. The app can be used as a standalone resource for family interaction to use in their own time.The app is now available for free download at Google Play and the App Store.