By Deanne Barnes on Friday, 15 October 2021
Category: Blog

Southern Tasmania Lockdown - Support for your people

As you are probably aware, Southern Tasmania is going into lockdown from 6pm Friday 15 October. The lockdown will last for 3 days. As a result of this notice, we have already implemented our business continuity plan to ensure we continue to provide support for our customers and their people.

Face to face appointments in the region will be rescheduled and alternative arrangements will be provided. Telephone or Video Chat Counselling options are still available. Critical incidents and onsite support will be assessed based on an individual basis to determine the best mode of support. 

We would like to take a moment to acknowledge the impact that organisations and people may be experiencing after today’s announcement. We appreciate that for many people this may be a time of heightened emotions and that plans will need to change. We, as always, are here to support you through this. Tools and resources can be accessed via our website to support your mental health and wellbeing through the Employee and Employer login areas. Additional resources, including our Wellbeing Check, are also available on our app, AccessMyEAP.

Reach out to us here at Newport & Wildman on 1800 650 204. As always, our people are here to help support you and your people be their best in life and work.