By Monique Richardson on Monday, 27 November 2017
Category: Newsletter

5 Tips for Staying Calm and Connected

As we approach the December period and prepare for the festivities, it’s easy to become distracted with long ‘to-do’ lists; calendars booked up with extra social events; and perhaps finalising work in preparation for a well-earned break. These distractions can impact on our relationships with the people we care about most, so here are some tips for maintaining positive relationships during "the silly season".

1. Take Time to be Present: it’s so easy to be on auto-pilot and not notice the passage of time. Stop yourself from “doing” and pay attention to the moment. Observe without judgement the sounds, smells, sights, and people around you.

2. Give Hugs and compliments: Research shows that hugs can alleviate feelings of stress, increase our self-esteem, and even improve our physical health. Everyone loves to feel valued, tell the important people in your life the things that you like or love about them, often.

3. Be Inclusive: A sense of belonging is critical to our wellbeing and overall happiness. Think about the people you care about, do they feel included? Have you invited them to join in, in conversations, activities or just asking them about their plans for the weekend or Christmas break? Everyone can make a small difference by asking.

4. Respond don’t React: If you feel upset by someone’s behaviour, take a pause or walk away. Be clear about why you’re upset, and if you want the person to know or understand why you’re upset, find a time when you can calmly express yourself.

5. Connect to Values: Be clear about your own values, the things which are important to you, and which guide your decisions. Behave consistently with your values and let go of the small stuff.

Oops, almost forgot a really important one:

5.1. Add Humour: Make sure that there is plenty of room for fun, humour, and silliness in your relationships. Humour and jokes about shared experiences and those things which are out of your control, help relieve stress or frustration.