By Deanne Barnes on Monday, 05 August 2019
Category: Newsletter

Tips for Dealing with Worry and Anxiety

Watch your thinking

Beware of “What ifs” and a tendency to assume the worst in your mind. This is called catastrophic thinking.

For example, a simple negative comment about one aspect of your work could trigger.. “What if my manager is not happy with me… I am performance managed…. I lose my job… I can’t pay the mortgage….” This leads to a lot of unnecessary fear and anxiety.

Watch your body

Anxiety tends to impact everyone’s body differently. Do you get an upset stomach, a tense neck? Other signs of stress and anxiety?

Plan your worries 

Some relevant websites: • Australian Centre for Post-Traumatic Mental Health • Anxiety Treatment Australia • Shyness and Social Anxiety Treatment Australia  • Beyondblue  • Black Dog Institute

 For more information or if you are still feeling overwhelmed, please contact us on 1800 650 204.